Macky Sall, Barrow Operatives Send Undercover Girls To Seduce ForGambia Editor?

(L) Mira Mirac (M) Text Messages (R) Editor Ebrima Papa Colley (Gambiano)

Seductive Girl Sends Private Messages with Vulgar Photo Days After Critical Interview with Samsudeen Sarr On French Puppet Macky Sall!

A person, male or female, but using a pen-name “Mira Mirac” is sending messages to the editor of forGambia News & Radio, asking for a relationship. As we put this story together, more messages were being sent from the same sender.

The second message from “Mira Mirac” came after this editor replied back to “her” first message, warning her never to contact him again. But “Mira Mirac” persisted and even sent more messages, saying “she” would like to send more photos if this editor contacts “her” via email.

“I would like to have a good relationship with you contact me (” Knowing very well this could be a phishing message or some dating scam if not an intelligence endeavor from enemies of this little media house, the editor put it tersely to “the girl,” asking her never to contact him again. She is using a Senegalese number of 221-77 505-3751.

In this “Me too” age, we always strive to maintain our ethics of good conduct not just because of what happened to Lamin Bojang, a fired party leader of GAP in The Gambia, as well as numerous other media personalities. But we remain stern against ill-conduct because of Allaah!

The “girl” in our case is using a Senegalese number and claims to be attending Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar. She claims to have also studied at Lycee Cherif Samsidine Aiadara De Velingara. She claims to be living in Dakar, Senegal.

We have also published her full telephone number so that if our readers, tomorrow, see some slanderous claim that Ebrima Papa Colley has had an affair with a chihuahua, you will all know it is a smear campaign.

We have been extremely critical of the Macky Sall and Barrow governments in Senegal and Gambia respectively. We have been more critical of their puppet masters in France, especially when we brought Rt. Col. Samsudeen Sarr on air few days ago to talk about the Mali case, French wickedness in Africa, Macky Sall, Alassan Outarra, etc.

So, Mira Mirac, or whoever you’re as well as your intelligence masters pushing you, this is nothing new to us at forGambia. Please keep trying harder! Some of our intelligence advisers did their studies in Israel. But that’s nothing, compared to the protection we get from Allaah!

Before this editor ran a regular show on Freedom Newspaper and radio, several people told him that his talks were giving hell to the Senegalese intelligence. Later, some Senegalese nationals were viciously attacking him on Freedom Radio, asking its editor to ban him.