Samsudeen Sarr’s Prophecy on Mali Comes True as President Keita, Prime Minister, and Cabinet Ministers Arrested!

Samsudeen Sarr at UN

Macky Sall and Adama Barrow are experiencing shockwaves down their spines as multitudes in Mali finally got support from the military in ending another French puppet’s rule after several warnings. President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta was forced to resign less than 48 hours ago. France has been puppeteering many African leaders including Mali’s Keita, Senegal’s Sall, Ivory Coast’s Ouatarra who is violating the constitution by declaring intent to go beyond his term limit.

The same France has told the people of Lebanon to breach their constitution in a leadership crisis before any French support. ForGambia News & Radio was founded on the basis of ending poverty in Africa, starting with French devilish exploitations that siphons 500 billion Dollars from poor African countries.

We started this crusade even before former AU Ambassador to the UN, Dr. Arikana Chihombori-quao was fired from her job for simply saying what we have been saying. We again bring to you Rt. Lt. Colonel Samsudeen Sarr, who was also Gambia’s Deputy Ambassador to the U.N to shed more light on developments in Mali. Sarr had earlier prophesied about Mali just weeks ago.

“I’m not surprised about the Mali situation because four weeks ago, I wrote an article  highlighting the incidents in Mali where the Malians have woken up to the fact that the gov’t they have there has been a puppet gov’t just like the one of Macky Sall, Ouatara [in Ivory Coast], the one in Burkina Faso and all these countries that are answerable to France and whatever it wants to do in the subregion, especially in former French colonies.”

“These countries have long been realizing that if they remain attached to France, and [for the case of Mali] leave President Keita [of Mali], he would continue doing what his [puppet] colleagues have been doing, which is stealing wealth, and depositing that wealth in France,” Sarr maintained in an exclusive with forGambia Wednesday.

Striking in Sarr’s brilliant take on French Africa exploitation is the rhetoric they teach puppets. “While hiding such huge wealth in French banks, the same presidents would turn around and tell their people, it’s a democracy. It’s you people who voted me into office.”

And this argument from puppets like Mali’s Arrested Keita usually occurs amid abject poverty of the people they claim to serve. “And they won’t do anything meaningful in the country. There is poverty, wrestling over limited resources, there is devasting hunger in the country. And what I think shakes the whole world, even Mali being a glaring example is that Covid-19 has exposed our weaknesses.”

Sarr picks Mali to be the beginning of an African Spring, a prelude of which he heralded in his article only weeks ago. “There are African leaders with weaknesses and their dependence on foreign advice and anything, to the extent where nobody could do anything because the “Toubabs” they could count on had no time for them.”

“It’s about time Africans assume responsibility of their own countries, otherwise what has struck Mali might strike other African countries. So [Malian uprising] hasn’t caught me by surprise at all because even around last Tobaski, they did warn the president, giving him about ten days.”

“So, two days before, I wrote to indicate that the next two days, Mali is supposed to explode. And it’s the people’s call to bring down a corrupt government, just like most corrupt governments that are remote-controlled from France with the neo-colonial yoke still in their heads.”

Sarr has also discussed very important issues for the subregion, including what obtains in our next-door neighbor Macky Sall’s backyard. Please follow the rest of the interview with Samsudeen Sarr here on forGambia News & Radio by clicking the black play button under forGambia Radio, written under which is Zeno. For mobile and cell phone users, simply scroll down to find the same play button. Please click and wait for few seconds.