More than Half of Stadium Leaves as Barrow Begins Speaking at Launching!


A picture speaks far better than words! We don’t need to say much! Why were people leaving as Gambia’s corrupt and drug-dealer president began speaking? Because “you can fool some of the people all the time; you can fool all the people some of the time; but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”

This president has lying in his blood and DNA by now. He lied about serving us for three years. He lied about “4000 classrooms.” He lied about 30 million Fatou Kodo Lay! He’s still lying about bringing development to Gambia when our people are dying in hunger, lack of water and electricity or basic hospital supplies.

The list goes on! But we have to add that in 2019 when he was doing his meet the people tour, he needed a crowd in Foni again for the same propaganda. But he knew Fonikas won’t come out. He sent his men to Senegal to villages such as Kubanack. And what did he tell those people? “Please come; we’re organizing a festival!”

He knew thoughtful Senegalese won’t show up to his political rally. He had to lie. Again, this time, he had to lie that Wally Ballago Seck was going to perform at the Stadium. It was a fat lie!

So, people left him speaking to the nearly empty stadium when they saw that they were duped. A liar will do anything to achieve his goals. Our country has become a joke and a lie! And the liar-in- chief is Adama Barrow! May the suffering of our people haunt you to your grave!
