1,547 ViewsAs Domestic Issues Metastasize BARROW GOV’T JITTERY ABOUT DIASPORA INFLUENCE Leaked Official Document Shows By Ebrima Papa Colley (Gambiano) From Top: Barrow, Mballow, Tangara…
1,193 Views3-YRS JOTNA’S SUWAREH LAMENTS YOUTHS’ DESPAIR As He Chides Barrow for Using Taxpayer Money to Buy Support L-Suwareh R-Barrow Three Years Jotna’s Hagi Suwareh…
1,333 ViewsWith Europeans Pumping €365M into Gambia “NO DEADLINE SET BY E.U” FOR BARROW GOV’T By Ebrima Papa Colley (Gambiano) ECOMIG forces’ first arrival in…
962 ViewsBARROW’S DELEGATION IN SENEGAL FOR GAMBIA TO SWITCH TO CFA Fresh Sources Say (L) Sall (R) Barrow By Ebrima Papa Colley (Gambiano) Unindependent reports…