Illegal Senegalese forces in Foni Bwiam


The accident occurred around 9:00pm, Wednesday at the occupying Senegalese troops' military checkpoint in Bwiam, Foni Kansala in the Western region of The Gambia.

The accident occurred around 9:00pm, Wednesday, November 13th 2019 at the occupying Senegalese troops’ military checkpoint in Bwiam, Foni Kansala in the Western region of The Gambia. Luckily, natives say, the ‘Gele Gele’ was not carrying a lot of passengers. Cements and other merchandise could be seen poured on the ground near the side-lying truck.
Natives told forGambia that although this particular accident involving a heavily-loaded truck carrying “Salam” cement heading to Jarra Soma collided with a Mercedez Sprinter van carrying some passengers was not fatal, the area has become a regular accident zone. Some passengers, including a fourteen-year old boy sustained injuries.
One Foni native laments, “If readers could remember, this checkpoint is a military station point of which Senegalese soldiers are stationed which is detrimental to the day to day trafficking of vehicles going to Basse via soma and down to the kombos. The manner in which the Senegalese soldiers lead their check point is unacceptable and against the trafficking rules of the Gambia.
 A lot of accidents occurred in this checkpoint and the Barrow government had lots of reports on those incidents but nothing helpful to the people of Foni. Foninkas are being militarized since the former president left the country, and the people have seen that the Barrow government is marginalizing the people of foni.”
More reports quote Bwiam natives saying, ” they are terrorized both day and night because of the station of this military camp, where they are not needed in Bwiam village. Foni, more so Bwiam, is as peaceful as the name the smiling coast called the Gambia.
 There is a lot of negativity these soldiers are doing in Foni, more so Bwiam. Therefore The Barrow led coalition should take action before it’s too late and tomorrow they will be held responsible for a lot of lives due to incidents at the military check points which has no use to the people of Foni.”