What Led to Barrow Banning Foreign Travels? What Really Happened to him at ECOWAS Nigeria Meeting? Did Nigerian Security Personnel Laugh at his Inability to Express himself?

In this picture, we have, perhaps, the bloodlines of those who connived with Europeans to enslave and destroy mother Africa!

Did Nigerian Security Personnel Laugh at his Inability to Express himself or Simply Understand Things?

Was Barrow embarrassed at ECOWAS Nigeria meeting when he could neither express himself, nor comprehend the geopolitics of the occasion so much that he decided to boycott the next meeting and then issue a travel ban?

According to sources from Nigeria, Gambia’s Adama Barrow was given the chance to express his input about the ongoing Niger sour thumb that has been gathering sensitive global attention as well as the West African bloc, ECOWAS’ threatening response. Barrow, reports say, could neither understand the geopolitics, nor how to articulate whatever it is he wanted to say. Consequently, the president decided to boycott the second ECOWAS meeting. The issue has very little to do with money. Yes, there is little-to-no money in the state coffers thanks to diabolical corruption and its comorbidities. But does it have to take almost seven years for this president to decide that it is at the end of 2023 that he should ban wasteful travels and the evil per diems? If it’s also about saving money, why can’t they start with Bakary Badjie and those we may not be aware of in recovering every dalasi or butut?

At some point, the grips at the ECOWAS meeting were told to adjust Barrow’s microphone, thinking that could help a bit. Some days ago, this editor listened to a Gambian who decried that if Barrow was asked about Niger and the few countries bordering it, it was very possible he wouldn’t be in a position to know unless after someone tipped or informed him, especially now that people are talking about it.

The same person reasoned that Barrow possibly wouldn’t have known if Niger was a former French or British colony shortly before this conflict. “Now that I have spoken about it, maybe they would furnish the information to him, “the Gambian continued. We at forgambia are in no way belittling our president—a leader we all campaigned for even before he was selected. But look at what he is doing to us and our motherland!

Due to the serious embarrassment that besotted him at the ECOWAS meeting in Nigeria, reports say, he came back to announce a so-called ban on foreign travels after wasting our meagre resources on the same subject for the past six to seven years. In fact, we lamented exactly this wastrel spirit of Barrow’s gov’t as recently as last year when he brought a huge entourage to the UN.

Some members of that useless delegation included Dou Sanno, another imbecile who couldn’t tell that the capital city of the United States isn’t New York City. What could someone without such a basic understanding do for an impoverished country like Gambia at such an international gathering like the United Nations General Assembly? Reader, you see why we still have to write even if we wish it not?

The more serious a patient’s disease, the harder and much clinically efficient the doctor has to be. Please look at Gambia’s condition socio-economically today and tell us at forgambia here, that it is Adama Barrow that will take this country to prosperity? No wonder our hospitals are the worst.

No wonder our tourism sector has collapsed. No wonder Nawec is being slaughtered for Senelec! No wonder our Ports Authority has no patriotic authority these days, but assassinated for its Senegalese counterpart both Jawara and Jammeh were keenly paying attention to. No wonder we are importing even carrots from Senegal as well as other staples infused with GMOs and with extremely unnatural, very short shelf lives! The list goes on!

Why would such a nation destroyer, instead of builder fight to remain in power, especially after breaching solemn promises? But here are the details of Barrow’s Nigeria ECOWAS debacle. We weren’t there. So, we can’t independently verify this:  

“President Adama Barrow recently and shamelessly boycotted the second leg of Ecowas heads of state meeting in Nigeria because he embarrassed himself during a closed door meeting of his colleagues on the plight of Niger. We’re shocked to learn that Barrow couldn’t say anything or be heard when the floor was given to him for his statement. At some point the technician had to adjust the volume of the microphone so he can be heard by the audience. Barrow seemed confused about the topic and doesn’t understand the geopolitical situation at hand. The Nigerian officials were overheard murmuring in the background about the encounter. One official never hesitated to confront the Gambian delegation to find out if Barrow was fit to be our president,” our sources revealed.
