Barrow Gov’t’s Desperate Attempts to Dismiss our Report!

Barrow in Middle, Defense Minister to his left next to whom is the Senegalese ambassador who needs no protocol to access him!

Senegalese Ambassador Encouraging the Blood-Sucking of Gambia and her People!

Desperate Senegalese ambassador, desperate Barrow, and desperate Mod K. Ceesay feebly attempt to discredit forGambia News article! Why did Mod K. Ceesay go home early yesterday, August 23rd 2023?

Our report on Mod K. Ceesay rattled their cages so hard that the Senegalese ambassador had to desperately rush to pose for a picture with Barrow together with the reportedly sacked chief of staff Mod K. Ceesay. In this picture above, Ceesay is three people to the right of Barrow. And please look at his face. 

They will do whatever it takes to rebut our coverage to chase people away from us. We are not like any other media house. No dime or penny comes to us for our reportage here. We have very different professions! 

We are not saying just because Mod K. Ceesay went home early on Wednesday, August 23rd was all one needed to conclude that he was fired. But why this desperate pose and picture, especially after our story, and also, with those Senegalese spy-chiefs whose religious creed includes believing that forGambia News is out there to destroy them?

Whether Ceesay was fired or thrown flowers at the feet, you know it among yourselves. This picture alone speaks volumes! Why take such a picture now, especially with the Senegalese military and ambassador as soon as we resume our coverage on the evil Macky Sall gov’t and its evil activities in our country? No one wins against truth! We will take our country back, insha Allaah from you evil degenerates!
