“The Significance of Youths In The Development Of The Gambia”—Omar Jallow, UTG

The significance of youths in the development of a country cannot be over emphasized, as they are the backbone of every nation, that is, no nation can develop in the absence of youths. 
In the Gambia, we are blessed with this young energy as our population comprises about 60% of youths which is indeed a huge percentage. But one fundamental question that keeps lingering and still not  answered is why Gambia is blessed with such huge demographic dividend, significant percentage of youths, but still her youths are lagging behind?
The Government should invest in the youths as the future of the country is in their hands. Do we ever sit and ask ourselves why countries like USA, Canada, France, UK etc. are so developed? Simply it is because they invest in their youths as they know their significance in the development of their countries. Our government should take the same step and help our youths. Human Capital investment is a center stage in empowering youths.
It very sad when I hear some of our politicians say Gambian youths are lazy, which is not actually the case as we are all aware of the struggle our youths are engaged in; just looking at this Covid-19 outbreak in our country, since the first case was confirmed, from that day to date our youths have been engaged in vibrant sensitization about this deadly virus which is indeed a great contribution towards the fight against Covid-19. Even looking at our Red Cross volunteers, most of of them are youths. So are our youths lazy? I strongly doubt! 
There are numerous institutions established such as National Youth Council (NYC), Ministry of Youths and Sports (MOYS), Youths Empowerment Project (YEP) etc to ameliorate the lives of youths. But notably there is more still needed to be done regarding how impactful these institutions are, as numerous challenges continue to confront Youths their pursuit to realizing their potentials. 
Coming down to politics, our youths have played a vital role with reference to the previous 2016 Presidential Elections;  the change would have been impossible without the enthusiastic involvement of our youths — thus our youths are great partners in the change in the dictatorial regime. 
Our youths are aims and goal driven, and so enthusiastic about development. What they need is support from our government and relevant stakeholders. Even looking at the university of The Gambia, we have great young people doing great things at the level of the University and beyond. Support is the answer to their challenges.
Youths are definitely the building blocks of a nation; the stronger the youths, the more developed the nation is likely to be. There’s notable positive correlation. Youths are powerful agents of sustainable change.
Therefore, it is time for our government and relevant stakeholders to invest in our youths to make our country a better place.
*#God bless our Youths*
*#God bless The Gambia*
 *Written by ✍🏼✍🏼* 
*Omar Jallow* *(Phenomenal Jr)*