Mambureh Njie Figting For His Life? A Barrow Close-Aide Tells President to Wait Till Njie Dies To Reshuffle Cabinet?

Finance Minister, Mambureh Njie

Scary reports reaching forGambia say Gambia’s Finance Minister, Mambureh Njie was, up till we put this together, fighting for his life from an illness sources relate to Covid-19. The same reports did not rule out possible comorbidities. The minister is said to be hooked to an oxygen dispenser.

Insiders describe a life-threatening scenario for the troubled finance secretary whose legacy, in both previous and current administrations has been marred by very controversial financial scandals including serious misappropriations.

Unmedical, our sources description of Njie’s condition paints a picture of an intubated patient. Intubation involves insertion of a tube from the mouth into a patient’s airway to assist with breathing, especially during severe illness.

Or Njie’s present struggle could be simply an oxygenation intervention where a simple nasal canula was used. But that could also scare onlookers due to lack of care knowledge. Another source was quick to tell forGambia that this was the reason Vice President Isatou Touray forced herself to be back on feet after reporting a so-called positive test.

Meanwhile, another Barrow henchman was quoted suggesting that let the President wait till the finance minister’s fate is known before effecting a signaled cabinet reshuffle. We have the full details of the conversation.

For courtesy’s sake, we will choose not to disclose the name of the heartless individual in the Barrow camp whose insensitive comments about Njie’s condition and anticipated fate defy conscience. We may not agree with Minister Njie, but we sincerely pray that he comes out well and sound from this trial.