As Damning Leaks Emerge
from State House

Barrow and some Coalition partners without the first victim of the betrayal, Hon. Halifa Sallah
Very critical reports reaching forGambia say President Adama Barrow is in a serious predicament. Days ago, forGambia received a tip that the President may resign amidst serious challenges he drew upon himself. He could not even address the nation on Tobaski, as well as talk to Gambians about very important national matters such as the Brikama and Serrekunda demonstrations. Earlier, forGambia received news (we refused to publish due to its sensitivity) that Barrow is very jittery and forced to a dilemma after betraying those who chose him for flag-bearing in 2016.
A state House insider, reportedly said Barrow sent letters to ECOWAS, E.U, and the British High Commissioner weeks ago. The response Barrow received from these diplomatic missions proved to him that he lives in a serious predicament authored by other people who cannot, today, help him pull-off. Reports continued that Barrow now has realized the usefulness of his coalition partners whom he cannot turn to—the time being too late.
The response he received from E.U, ECOWAS, and U.N allegedly reminded Barrow that the ECOMIG forces are there to protect Gambia from instability. They came there because of Yahya Jammeh’s refusal to handover power peacefully and Barrow, in his agreement with partners promised a three-year tenure.
Now the three year is coming and Gambians are talking about the agreement. And Gambians are wanting to rise and demonstrate about the promise. The diplomatic community, the insider reportedly said, reminded Barrow that they do not want instability in the country as long as they are there. They suggested, reports continued, that Barrow sit with his former coalition partners to dialogue.
The State House insider added that the suggestion from letters received by Barrow in response to his, has not been an easy one for the president because he has alienated the same partners who selected him—with Barrow reneging on the agreement. Further, Barrow consequently told Gambians he would continue beyond three years whether Gambians like it or not. He later labelled himself a “political animal.”
The State House insider quoted the European Union Ambassador’s interview with forGambia where the diplomat clearly stated that Three Years Jotna movement has right to demonstrate, even though we reported that such argument by the movement is hinged on terms of a moral obligation in the eyes of the E.U. diplomat.
We at forgambia don’t favor a demonstration. And we continue to pray that we never arrive at any need for it. But Barrow has an obligation to respond to reason! Before starting this news site, we ran radio programs, begging Barrow to honor his promise, quit office and even come to the United States to study. At that time, Three Years Jotna was not a thorn to reckon with as it is today.
Few days ago, we refused to publish a news quickie on high prospects of Barrow’s resignation from very credible sources because we don’t want the nation to be “jittery” as well.  Earlier, we ran an exclusive interview with Hon. Madi Ceesay, the Serrekunda West legislator about the same issue before we ever interviewed E.U’s Attila Lajos. Days ago, we published a leaked document about the “jittery” nature of the Barrow government about current situations.
We continue to pray that our Gambia, we cherish and adore continues to tarry in peace. That, to us is more important than both Barrow and his nemesis. Not just the diplomatic community, but the Christian and Islamic Councils, we believe should convene a team and meet Barrow as an apolitical delegation. We can’t afford the December 2016 Yahya Jammeh chaos anymore! Gambia is too little and too cute!
Let justice guide our actions!



  1. Habibou Tamba | August 21, 2019 at 2:33 pm |

    Good news, but the sad part of it is who’s next, hopefully this time around is gonna be the ONE.

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