A Nation at Crossroads Where Heaven and Hell Beckon!

Lamin Fatty, the author

At Least on Earth Metaphorically...

Beast of burden are not cognizant of their bondage and servitude. The same goes for other domesticated animals. Both are even capable of loving their captors, in some cases tormentors. Humans on the other hand differentiate themselves through higher social organization and a profound ability to collectively and individually chart a course for self-preservation, whilst at the same time gaining knowledge to master the natural environment. 

Therefore, we consider ourselves to be higher beings. So, without the possession of the above mentioned abilities, and faculties, we will be like the lower class of animals. Possession of higher cognitive abilities though necessary, is not enough in itself until we put them into use meaningfully for the wellbeing of all.

For such higher organization to function we have a country and a state combined to form our society. Gambians should be made aware of this simple fact. To have enforceable common rules and regulations, we put a government in place through universal suffrage. It is not the duty of a supreme being to walk to the poling booth to cast a ballot token for one person or the other. 

We have the free will to answer to the beckoning of heaven or hell on earth based our choice of a leaders who will be entrusted with the keys to our coffers. Every Gambian contributes directly or indirectly to our national purse, for the supposed provision of necessary and needed social services. 

These services include but are not limited to consistent water and electricity supply, health facilities, paved roads, a well-maintained public transport system, adequately equipped institutions of learning, a thriving business environment, enough food from our own farmers a disciplined and well-equipped security apparatus, the list goes on, in no particular order.

The give-and-receive-back mechanism is a moral and natural given contract in a society of intelligent human beings, except we choose to fall to the category of lower beings. Hence those animals are territorial in nature, without an organized nation state, we will also have to give up that right in that case.

Organization though requires awareness and conscious participation to effect transformative change. In the last few decades of nationhood, an entire generation of Gambians was born in poverty, misery and want. This generation is likely to completely phase out in less than 3-4 decades.

 This is because Gambia as a nation has failed to prolong the life expectancy of its citizens by failing to provide adequate health and other service by choosing either corrupt, incompetent or negligent leaders.

Aspiring political leaders who lie to us are not worth our second thought. Those who divide us along religious, ethnic and regional sectionalisms are only good for the garbage dumpsite. Politicians who do not come to us with clear implementable plans of action are only interested in maintaining us like beast of burden. There is of course a political party in The Gambia does not tick any of the boxes of the manipulations mentioned above. December 2021 will indicate which beckoning Gambians will respond to.

Lamin Fatty is a PDOIS member residing and studying in Germany, at the Hamburg University of excellence.