1,113 ViewsBARROW’S DESPERATE ATTEMPTS AT PAYING SUKUTA YOUTHS TO SEND CROWDS TO FONI FAILS! Health Minister Dr. Samateh, the chief negotiator between President Barrow and…
1,170 ViewsGDC’s MC CHAM REITERATES BARROW’S WOES, LAMENTS GAMBIA’S CURRENT PROBLEMS! “…Hospitals don’t have medicine, Gambians are dying of hunger, and inordinately rising cost of…
1,682 ViewsIMAM BA-KAWSU FOFANA ON THREE YEARS JOTNA, PRESIDENT BARROW, AND QUR’AAN “I’m appealing to President Adama Barrow to live up to his promise and…
1,728 ViewsYOUTHS BLOCK BARROW’S MOTROCADE ON TOUR The CRR governor intervened to placate angry t-shirt bearers saying, “I’d rather you grab my vehicle and throw…
1,107 ViewsNYASSI, JAH SHED LIGHT ON ILLEGAL SENEGALESE MILITARY OCCUPATION IN FONI “I’m not condemning checkpoints for security but the amount of abuses by the…