fifty-eight of our unserved people perished at sea only for Ousainou Darboe and President Barrow to continue pursuing a medieval joust.

This news site and its radio has been created for intelligent, selfless, and patriotic Gambians. A gadfly it is, its bent will continue to fill enemies with venom and of course, indignation of dizzying heights. If they really love Gambia, they would not have felt a whit this way. But we seldom sneak-peak at the sate-of-affairs in the rotten, venal, or hawkish bosoms of ill-situated politicians. We call them what they are, tell them what it is and trumpet to them how it is supposed to be!
If these really love Gambia, all politicking would stop for a week, at least—or a little more! But fifty-eight of our unserved people perished at sea only for Ousainou Darboe and President Barrow to continue pursuing a medieval joust. Fifty-eight is axed off Gambia’s posterity thanks to leadership ineptitude and lack of simple opportunities. And our so-called leaders still bask in ego gladiatorial glory—a dangerous sport they are not even good at.
Mournful is Gambia today. And bleak stands its tomorrow if these are the prototypes of so-called leaders its land produces. Both Darboe and Barrow are eons away from solving Gambia’s problems. Leadership isn’t a fetish, nor an orgasm with a misguided entitlement! It is not also an adamantine pursuit absent of apt service rendering. Leadership can glare in leading from behind, especially with inspirational actions of national import. The question remains: where is Barrow’s in this? And Darboe’s ditto!
Michelle Mendy, a Lady Council overseeing sixty-six villages in Lower Niumi and her counterpart Ward Councilor Kebba Jallow with thirty-three villages in the North Bank Region mourn together with the people of Barra. Michelle Mendy herself lost a relative, Tina Gomez to the perilous journey last week. Michelle told forGambia that she advised the late Tina to pursue a vocational skill in The Gambia upon which she opened her own salon after attending Presentation in Banjul.
Kebba Jallow told forGambia that one of the victims was a deaf youth from his area who also joined the team in the risky journey. We aired the interview we had with both Kebba and Michelle continuously for days to hear from the horse’s mouth. But Kebba’s president, Michelle’s president, my president, your president is busy jousting perceived opponents while nation dies!