“Our Nation”—a Poem by Muhammad Baldeh, UTG School of Arts & Sciences!

               Our Nation
I wonder when our nation will be like the west.
A country which is involved in too much corruption.
Where every sector is worse than the other.
Where qualifications don’t matter.
All what matters is favoritism. 
Everyone believes in nepotism.
Because we think the only way to help is to promote tribalism.
And the vast majority of the voters vote based on ethnicism.
To me the level of illiteracy is very high.
Even though we have schools and institutions. 
Still there is no proper education.
The so-called elites only learn to pass exams 
But not to understand and implement what they learn.
We keep on singing the word development. 
When the people studying development,
Are not prioritized in the agenda of the government.
Effectiveness is just a word and not implemented.
Being ethical is what we lack.
We don’t value our own people instead, we value those from outside.
All big contracts are given to outsiders.
And those people take all the money out.
When our own people are suffering here. 
How and when can we expect the sung word?
My people, we need to try and change our attitudes, sacrifice ourselves for the next generation, 
It is only if that is done then we will see our nation be like the west.
 ✍️ Med Baldeh Tha prospective. 
Author: Muhammad Baldeh
School of Arts & Sciences, UTG

1 Comment on "“Our Nation”—a Poem by Muhammad Baldeh, UTG School of Arts & Sciences!"

  1. That’s a very good piece bro. Keep it up

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