Meeting Held to Revoke Licences of Mengbe Kering, Kerr Fatou, Others…Whatson Gambia, ForGambia Editors on “To Be Arrested List”

L-R Alieu Khan, Fatou Touray, Pa Modou Bojang with Adama Fadera in background
Reports reaching forGambia Wednesday, say the Barrow gov’t  just concluded a meeting to revoke the licences of some media houses perceived to be opposition-inclined. Domestically, Mengbeh Kering and Kerr Fatou are key, according to a scoop we just received. We were also informed that plans were being hatched to arrest Pa Modou Bojang, Fatou Touray, and many disporans, including Whatson Gambia’s Alieu Khan and the editor of this little medium, Ebrima Papa Colley.
Plans were also discussed to report these diaspora Gambians to the governments of various countries of domicile in a desperate censorship attempt, especially if they are billed to be rabble-rousers. 
ForGambia, during the meeting, was accused of leaking out very sensitive security information. We wonder what “security information!” [We deny this and without wasting much time on it]. Some time around 2020, Gov’t spokesperson, Ebrima G. Sankareh was heard yelping his frustrations over how those “sensitive information” were routinely leaked out, even before his gov’t finished preparing memos.
The meeting was held at State House last week Wednesday before Barrow took off for his present tour.  In the presence of President Barrow, discussions were attended by his so-called Defense & Security Committee Chairman Seedy Njie [a task clearly seen to be an off-shoot of the National Assembly’s Defense Committee’s responsibility and should have been held at its quarters], Spokesman Ebrima G. Sankareh, Sulaymen Jeng (National Security Adviser), Police IG Abdoulie Sanyang and his Deputy Modou Sowe, as well as Interior minister Siaka Sonko.
Informers say this is the reason Barrow is making stupid and threatening remarks at meetings part of his current NPP bureau inaugurations nation-wide. Other observers say the desperate president is making these utterances to ignite some trouble since ECOMIG is scheduled to depart this December.
Below, we reproduce the list of individuals targeted for bogus charges, arrest and detention. A list was being furnished to Gambia’s immigration authorities at border and entry points waiting for the arrival of WhatsOn Gambia’s Alieu Khan, forGambia’s Ebrima Papa Colley, and many others. Here is the list so far:
1. Alieu Khan – CEO.what’s on Gambia/ Finland
2. Ebrima Papa Colley, editor, 
For Gambia online 
3. Saihou Saidily, Anchor 
UDP online Bantaba 
United Kingdom
4. Omar Wally 
5.Wandifa Sanneh
6. Mark Janneh
 7. Saibo Hydara 
8.Bamfa Camara
9. Nuha Ceesay 
10. Shorty Jammeh 
Domestic targets:
1.Pa Modou Bojang,
CEO mengbe kering
2.Borra Sisawo,
 Kerr Fatu
3.Madi Jobarteh 
4.Neneh Gomez, 
Kerr Fatu 
5. Baiyo Sonko,
6. Yankuba Darbo,
Chairman BAC
7. Momodou Sabally,
Campaign Manager, UDP 
8. Bai Sankareh 
9. King FM,
Pura to revoke operations license 
10. Gambia Daily,
Pura to revoke license 
11. Gambia Talent,
Pura to revoke license
 12. Lamin Sillah, Bronx NYC.
13. Ebrima Dibba, UDP

Editor’s Note: The desperate Barrow administration, as always, may rescind its decision, especially, now that forGambia  has reported it. Alhaji Bora commented on Niger and is arrested. Where is “freedom of speech”? We have been telling you Gambia has become a colony of Macky Sall and France, the co-religionists in the anti-Niger crusade. 

And since Gambia, today,  lacks sovereignty and independent foreign policy under Barrow, we have to follow Macky Sall into the lizard hole. This is the whole point behind Bora’s arrest. We don’t have time to run this medium. We have other engagements. But for the Dicken’s, where are Gambia’s bright observers…those products of once prestigious St. Augustine’s, Nusrat, Gambia High, etc… who command bigger lens than this editor and could sensitize our exploited nation better?