Local, International Calls to be Spied On...
"As of November 1 to January 2020, all local and international calls are to be monitored by folks of the NIA posted in this unit."
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Adama Barrow’s anti-Three Years Jotna undercover agents have finally graduated from a two-month, two week training in The Gambia. The funds were provided by the Saudis who also constructed a mosque at Gambia’s intelligence headquarters in the capital, Banjul, revered sources informing forGambia said Thursday evening.
The spy agents will also be placed in strategic locations across the tiny West African nation in anticipation of the much feared December protest demanding Adama Barrow’s honoring of his promise of stepping down after three years.
The President’s post 2016 school of thought currently basks in a constitutional cover of five years irrespective of campaign promises and a master key coalition agreement that piqued the vote of Gambians in the much popular Jammeh ouster.
Here is a direct excerpt from our intelligence sources:
“It’s now confirmed about the graduation of agents of the National intelligence agency today in Banjul that were undergoing a series of undercover training for two months and a couple of weeks.
The agency […] last week postponed the said graduation at the 11th hour following a prompt decision from it’s directorate. The agents[…] would be redeployed in certain strategic areas across the country as well as some government institutions mostly Gamcel and Gamtel. As of November 1 to January 2020, all local and international calls are to be monitored by folks of the NIA posted in this unit.”
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