Left) Fmr. president Jammeh (right) Pa Modou Mbowe, fmr. Daily Observer Boss

Former Daily Observer Managing Director, Mr. Pa Modou Mbowe has just spoken to forGambia News from Kanilai, saying Fabakary Tombong Jatta, Rambo Jatta, and their dismissed lot are just trying to save face with the latest statements they issued which show clear resistance to Yahya Jammeh’s orders as party leader and chief executive of the APRC.

Mr. Mbowe added that the same folks in the persons of Fabakary and his team were handpicked by Jammeh who has the same powers to dismiss them. “Rambo and Fabakary that are speaking were never chosen through any congress. They were handpicked by Yahya Jammeh.  He gave Fabakary his position as interim leader while he was leaving; Rambo the same way. He took M.A Bah’s position, and that wasn’t anything congress decided,” Mbowe went on.

He continued, “So, now if we need to dissolve the executive, President Jammeh is the one with those powers. There is  nothing like interim party leader within the constitution of APRC party. There is nothing like that. So, obviously Jammeh is the supreme party leader…from 2016, two hundred and eighty-three thousand Gambians penned their signature for him to be our party leader. From thenceforth, the congresses we held in Bwiam and Pencha Mi Hall were all refreshers of the same congress. He can fire them because he appointed them,” Mbowe stated.

Mbowe then grilled Fabakary and his team thus, “All what they’ve been doing, they’ve been telling people that it was Jammeh that authorized them to do so. And that’s a lie. And then Yahya Jammeh stands to tell people [the facts]. You know that’s a disgrace [for the Fabakary team]. Mbowe put it best in the Wollof tongue that “Mag bu rus maa teyi la daydef,” meaning a disgraced elder says: I deliberately do it, like it, and  with chutzpah.”

Mr. Mbowe didn’t hesitate to address how team Rambo and FTJ were accusing him and Amie Jatta of lying about talking to Jammeh and receiving instructions that he Jammeh didn’t authorize any coalition, particularly with Barrow’s NPP. He added that his team will march to Fabakary and his team “with discipline” to demand the APRC official stamp from them. Please follow the rest of the interview on our radio here.