forGambia: If you guys go back to the drawing board at the E.U round table, if somebody were to ask you, do you think that amount of money—whether it’s a pledge or it comes in kind, not in cash; do you think this government has put it into good use. Are you seeing any symptoms of that money being used in the best way to help Gambia and her people? What would you answer?
AMBASSADOR: I think these pledges we made and the interventions we offered in consultation with Gambian partners and those Gambian partners—not only the government, but also civil society and the population, the wider population, I believe that these investments are good investments and it has been worth to make these investments. Remember in each and every project, whether it is a project intervention, or whether it is a consultancy, whether it is budgetary support, whatever, there are built-in mannerisms when it comes to the objectives of the intervention. When it comes to the implementation of the projects, whether the objectives were reached, whether these objectives are sustainable. So, we have checks and balances even in our own operations to make sure that we invest and we deliver where it will make a difference. And it really has. Let me give you one example, one of the biggest projects in this entire total portfolio is a very ambitious energy project. It is in the tune of €130 million worth and this is blending between E.U, the European Investment Bank, and the World Bank joining together. Now, in this intervention, there will be everything. I repeat there will be every school and health center in The Gambia connected to electricity 24/7. And this is going to be a solar solution sustainable energy. There will be an establishment of a 30-megawatt solar plant as well as improvement upgrading of the distribution system and the connection of all the schools and health centers to the grid of this energy supply. I think this will have an impact on the lives of every Gambian because remember, here, everybody goes to the clinics sometimes. Everybody goes to school. I mean the children. So, I think such an intervention, such a result will really make a difference in the given field. So, I’m really confident this unprecedented E.U support to the Gambia ever in history which is now taking place is really going to be making a difference for the benefit of the Gambian people.