Barrow is Stealing the 2021 Election from Now! Say No to Paper Ballot!

Both Jawara and Jammeh used marbles so that very Gambian could vote!

Gambians! Every post on Facebook and elsewhere is important! But please, we all need to know that our 2021 election is being rigged right now! Please say no to paper ballot voting. Our mothers and those who can’t read can’t use paper ballots!

But why does Barrow want to change to paper ballot all of a sudden? Because it’s easier to control and cheat counts with paper ballot than marbles! Also, let’s all remain steadfast with on the spot counting, otherwise, this desperate president, liar-in-chief, and his special interest group will rig our God-given election! Alieu Momar Njie is being very dishonest about ballot drums being expensive!

But Gambia has been using them since the Jawara era. If 14,000 drums are expensive, how about the money wasted on CRC that they now rejected? And how about the money they keep stealing? And they have been issuing our ID and voters cards to foreign nationals as if the diplomatic passport saga wasn’t enough! Please think of what we warn you, again! For The Gambia, our homeland!



2 Comments on "Barrow is Stealing the 2021 Election from Now! Say No to Paper Ballot!"

  1. Abubakarr kanara | October 20, 2020 at 1:01 pm |

    What about the voters

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