Alieu Momar Njai, Why not Stop Senegal from Interfering in our Elections?

Barrow, IEC's Njai

By Ebrima Papa Colley (Gambiano)

Mr. Alieu Momar Njai, we’ve all seen how you immediately snapped at a Gambian non-profit group, ‘Operation no Illegal Voting.’ This group was set up by Gambians to make sure there is no illegal registration, especially of foreigners for the December election. All they were doing was to sensitize Gambians about registration malpractices. And Mr. Njai, you threatened this group last February, saying you’d sue them! For what? Sensitizing Gambians about illegal voting?

But Mr. Njie, O Mr. Njai! Macky Sall’s own political party (ANC) was or is still in the Gambia with a delegation that is blatantly telling the world that they’ve come to help Adama Barrow win the December election. Why such swift action against Gambians about their birthright, but not even a simple response to Macky Sall’s ANC?

We have been reporting how Barrow has been importing Senegalese nationals in Gele-geles, especially in Foni Sintet, to boost his poorly attended rally. Mr. Njai, if this happened in any other country, citizens would sue the gov’t. There would be protests country-wide!

Americans sued their gov’t over so-called Russian interference in their election that saw Donald Trump’s victory. There was little or no evidence that Russians helped Trump win. But Macky Sall and his ANC aren’t hiding anything! They’re right in our face, in our own back and front yard, telling us that they are meddling in our election for Barrow to stay in power!

And what did the IEC do so far? NOTHING! I repeat, NOTHING! I repeat again, NOTHING! And how many illegal voter registrations have been caught so far? Too many! And what exactly did the IEC do? Again, NOTHING! Where are thoughtful Gambians? Or are we a cursed nation?

No, Gambia isn’t a cursed nation. Gambia has, in some positions of eminence, good-for-little or good-for-nothing sons that have been selling our motherland to special interest groups! Where are our activists? Where are our writers, speakers, or any patriotic citizens that would trumpet this Senegalese stealth for aye?

Why is Senegal Gung-ho on Barrow Winning?

Because both Jawara and Jammeh refused to hand over our economy and sovereignty to them. But Barrow, being the pig he is, Senegal has found a fortune they would fight to keep! With Barrow, they can kill not only our economy or sovereignty, but also our sons like Gibril Ceesay.

They can also run over our traffic police with vehicles and break their legs. They can also set Gambian trucks on fire or shoot our citizens on Gambian soil. They can go to the ECOWAS parliament and lie that our Yelli-Tenda Bamba-Tenda bridge is their domestic project!

They can also open fire on Gambians, kill the innocent, or even confront our army on Gambian soil multiple times. They can attack whole villages in the Gambia! They can deplete our fish resources, take their catch to Senegal for re-export to the global market while our families struggle to put a morsel on the table.

They can also routinely threaten our citizens at home and add that they’d do the same with our security personnel. They can also kill our re-export trade, strangle our economy, and have their fishermen refuse to accept Dalasi, but force CFA on us in Gunjur and elsewhere.

This is why besides the Dalasis’ current deterioration, cost of living, consumer goods, especially food prices are historically unbearable in the Gambia! We have written numerous times that it has always been Senegal’s dream to swallow Gambia or kill its economy! Barrow has never vehemently condemned any of these!

Alieu Momar Njai, history is watching you! Above all, God is watching you! It is okay for you to threaten our citizens for setting up a voter sensitization group, but look the other way as Senegal interferes in our election as we type these! If God wants to feel the pain and suffering of our poor families in the Gambia, Barrow will lose this election (Insha Allaah)! And when that happens—


Our voice shall chant our choice, while our noise our poise.

Our treacherous sitter this bitter, his litter we turn to glitter

While in veneration whispered he, with our enemies many

A scheme and tragedy, for stealthy Barrow victories if any.


Our rational mettle shall, in time consort our national kettle

Where holy elders’ ablutions, with enduring solutions settle

Gambia’s woes, our women and children’s yelps of agony

Or the burnt truck driver’s load of purchased mahogany


Senegal, O thou of same womb, yet eye our providence,

We task our offices, but ask our officers of both eminence

And sub-recognition to assume beautiful Gambia as prefix

Especially where vultures seek to reduce us to mere suffix


‘Tis the same vultures afar, that covet Barrow’s ineptitude,

His wont, his apathy and selfishness, and yet this destitute

Of patriotism, or interest to guard us from hunger or harm

Wherein havoc, in today’s Gambia spares not house or farm


Our voice shall chant our choice, while our noise our poise.

Our treacherous sitter this bitter, his litter we turn to glitter.

Where thou lose, O Alieu Momar Njai, patriots shall thrive

To protect and save Gambia, and with cherished fervor strive

To put a smile back on the face of this sylvan smiling coast

That hath now forgotten how to smile without paying cost

To Senegal and Macky Sall with whom our own interest is lost.