As Group Gains Notoriety
“But I’m Not Going Anywhere!” Suwareh Declares
By Ebrima Papa Colley (Gambiano)

The Barrow government’s spontaneous nemesis, Three Years Jotna’s founding member, Hagi Suwareh in Friday’s exclusive told forGambia that he received a call from a cousin, warning him to leave The Gambia for his safety. Suwareh is somewhat accustomed to political danger. “During the impasse, “I put on a ‘Kaftaan’ of “Gambia Has Decided” and made another one for my infant. Soldiers grabbed me at Westfield and tore everything apart. I went home without a shirt,” he stated.
“But I’m going nowhere. This doesn’t make me afraid. In case I go, it’s because of business and I’ll be back. I’m here to push leaders to follow their promise,” Suwareh said reiterating the need for peace in the country in these trying times. “We all need peace. Sometime bad people try to infiltrate,” he added, while mindful of some elements that might infiltrate his group with ill intentions.
On the moral versus constitutional dimensions of the brouhaha, Mr. Suwareh argued that his group actually has a constitutional ground to lean on. He said Halifa Sallah clearly did state that the coalition MOU was signed. Besides, even verbal contracts can bear a legal binding. “For us, it is legally-binding. It is a legal document that put them into office. The manifesto [which Barrow campaigned on] is not verbal. It’s written. If it’s written, then Barrow is a liar. And we can’t rust a liar to lead our country. We heard the interview of Halifa that it was signed,” Suwareh argued.
On why others perceive his group has some financial undercurrents from powerful hands, Mr. Suwareh retorted, “If someone is worried, he says everything. We have come to remind politicians to keep their promise. Politicians like to use other people’s fame. If they’re not famous, they like to use other people’s fame. He continued that his group has come to keep politicians accountable. “We campaigned for the 2016 change. We are there as electorates who wanted to bring change in The Gambia,” he said.
An intelligence analyst speaking to forGambia, on conditions of anonymity deduced that Gambia’s NIA used to indirectly call people to instill fear in them. They would use family members or close friends to do so. It was part of a scare tactic.
“The reason why the Coalition was voted in and Adama Barrow became president was because the people of Gambia were sick and tired of dictatorship. Adama Barrow should remember that he was the man that ran [away]when it was tough but Gambians who fought for the change stayed and continued to fight for the 2016 election results to stand. So, Barrow calling himself hero today ran to Dakar for his own safety when Jammeh, the dictator refused to step down, leaving his people to suffer and live in fear while he was safe in Dakar,” Suwareh continued. Below, is Suwareh unabridged:
“His biggest decisions when he was ready to betray the Gambia and Gambians and people’s effort to defeat the dictator was when he turned to the constitution and started firing cabinet members, directors and even NAMs. These were the clear pictures of his intention not to honor and respect the three years.”
He decries Barrow’s excess travels and begging predilection. “Adama Barrow, the man who was elected to do reforms, has been on tour to other countries no less than 51 times. To do what? Enjoying his travel allowances and honoring himself! By begging and loaning from other countries for help. And if the president begs then the whole country begs,” Suwareh added.
“Adama Barrow pledged to remain in office for 3 years and no more. So, what happened to his promise and pledge? He changed. Barrow got comfortable and likes his position. He even played the same slogan of Jammeh saying weather one likes or not he’ll stay for five years without not even saying Insha’Allaah.”
“I Hagi suwareh said Insha’Allaah President Barrow will step down after three years because that’s what he agreed to serve and is what he promised electorates. so, no matter what he should step down. I will tell you why Barrow has to go, for 3 main reasons:
1) He said he would and a leader has to keep his promise to his people. If he does not, then he is no leader & has to go anyway.
2) He simply does not know what do and therefore the Gambia will not stay as it is, it will go backwards—rising prices for example.
3) The country is in danger of having a dictator yet again. Barrow has already said that God put him in office and only God can remove him—the very same words as Yahya Jammeh. Well Barrow repeated those words. That’s a clear reason for Barrow to be removed.”
“Also, Barrows and his government threatened the people of Gambia by stating that anyone who petitions against Adama Barrow on the streets of Gambia will be killed. He backs this up by having anti-riot hot water cannon vehicles ready and waiting. Does the government actually understand what democracy actually is? It means having the choice to vote, free speech and the right to reply and the right to protest, especially when the president does not keep his word to the people.”
“If you do not address a problem then you inherit it. The problem of dictatorship, the problem of lies and deceit, the problem of corruption, the problem of threats & violence against the people who voted you in office & whom you promised a better future. If a president wishes to have bestowed upon him the title of excellency, then he has to be excellent surely.”
“Well he can start being excellent by stepping down after his agreed and promised term ends God bless the Gambia, for it is cursed by ignorant & selfish leaders who are prepared to let babies die, let women turn to suffer and men dying by running the back way to the countries they got independence from in the first place. I’m urging all Gambian to join hands to make sure Adama Barrow steps down for the sake of democracy.”