Evidence of extreme hardship for poor Gambians while Barrow throws a birthday bash

A real journalist understands that today’s societies are not those of 500BC. He or she knows that a certain pantheon of highly ethical people should rise to duty to protect the poor from corrupt and greedy ways of either the elite or those in power without which our hospitals will lack the basic supplies; our roads will flood with unkempt mud; our sisters and young mothers will continue to perish in our poorly serviced hospitals; the price of fish can rise to D1,200.00 each while a permanent secretary and his minister take bribes from those responsible; a Senegalese diplomat could rape a Gambian minor only to be flown to Dakar away from any justice.

All these are happening in our Gambia under Adama Barrow. But you never see a continuous publication or even a simple follow-up by a certain group of our media as if these are nothing! Instead, some sell-out journalists defend Adama Barrow when the stadium went empty as he delivered his dumb speech at the NPP launching.

In fact, Barrow is celebrating his birthday while the people he claims to serve and care for are hungry and dying while some are left at the mercy of hostile Senegalese drivers or lustful Senegalese rapists. Trust us, a good leader won’t celebrate a birthday in smiles or style while the following are happening to his poor and unserved people:

  1. Unbearably high cost of living, unaffordable commodity prices in our markets; one fish costing D1,200.00 in our local markets.
  2. Cocaine! (Lebanese Tajudeen’s case never pursued well and now Banta Keita’s ditto); as for Banta Keita, Barrow’s Congo visit when he first came to power speaks volumes about his connection with certain Serrahules; before someone shouts, “Tribalist,” I have Serrahule blood running in me; there are very good Serrahules out there; but that shouldn’t stop us from calling out rotten ones.

Also, don’t forget the Kallilu Waggehs; Kallilu isn’t even a Gambian—why should he be flying with our president in his foreign trips that are official and governmental? Or why should he be donating a fleet of vehicles to our president, fly with him overseas, and then boom, another Serrahule guy brings a container of illegal arms in our country while another brings containers of cocaine?

  1. Our young women dying in labor continuously.
  2. Lack of gloves, oxygen, blood, and other basic supplies in our hospitals.
  3. Dr. Samateh’s D115,000.00 monthly allowance while we lack oxygen in our poor hospitals.
  4. Adama Barrow’s D150,000.00 a day ‘Ndawal’ or fish money.
  5. Dr. Banja’s bribery, still nothing.
  6. Fisheries arson to burry evidence, yet still nothing.
  7. Henry Gomez and the diplomatic passport deals.
  8. Ba Tambadou giving diplomatic passport to family—abuse of office and no special session or hearing by the National Assembly.
  9. Janneh Commssion White paper has Mamburreh Njie and others, but only Sabally can be banned and punished.
  10. NPP openly inviting foreigners to cross into our indigenous politics, even threatening our immigration authorities if they refuse to open the borders; again, where was the National Assembly in calling a special session, especially when the NPP already showed videos of foreigners who already crossed our borders to boost Barrow’s Foni Sintet rally?
  11. The newly formed pressure group advocating for fraud-free election, but IEC’s Momar Njai threatening them which clearly speaks volumes; where is Momar Njai as NPP continues to bring foreigners to campaign for them in our country?
  12. Senegalese commercial drivers hitting our Gambian traffic police with vehicles.
  13. Senegalese diplomat raping a Gambian under-aged girl on Gambian soil.
  14. Senegalese army crossing into our borders, provoking our GNA multiple times.
  15. Senegalese vessels depleting our fish in Gambian waters, a phenomenon pushing local prices to sky-rocketing levels in our Gambian markets!
  16. The same Senegalese authorities detaining an underaged Gambian minor for a month for allegedly fishing in Senegalese waters.
  17. Barrow allocating more money to his State House expenses than our country’s entire agriculture budget; fishing is part of agriculture and vessels could have been bought for Gambian youths to create employment.
  18. Abubacarr Jawara’s gun smuggling and importation into poor Gambia; instead of putting him in jail, our police give him an award! But little boys are sent to jail for smoking a join!
  19. Barrow campaigning since last year during COVID, and sill went ahead and launched his party, lying to Gambians that certain artists were coming to perform just to lure a crowd. Does he and the health minister really care about either Gambians or COVID?