Illegal Senegalese forces in Foni Bwiam

The house where Mr. Ebou Camara was able to keep the military uniform of a defeated Senegalese soldier caught with his ex-wife in Bwiam, Foni before this last Tobaski was forcefully broken into by the same Senegalese forces occupying Foni, locals told forGambia News days ago.

Ebou Camara, in his widely circulated Whatsapp audio detailed the Genesis of his pre-Tobaski ordeal with Senegalese armed forces in Bwiam after his ex-wife with whom he has kids, called him on his phone, asking him to come see her.

He found her with the unnamed Senegalese soldier who was completely naked. A brawl ensued where the soldier threw punches and “I grabbed his fist at each punch,” he stated. Camara was able to not only tame the “well trained, super-professional soldier,” but also seize his “professional” Senegalese uniform!

Some Gambian soldiers in Darfur, in the days of Yahya Jammeh were disciplined and jailed for alleged sexual misconduct while serving in a foreign country. That’s how professional Gambia National Army is—they don’t condone such unprofessionalism.

But some “educated” fools among Gambians in the diaspora used to charge at me, vehemently arguing with tonsils that Senegal’s army is far professional, well-trained, and better-equipped than our GNA. But they still can’t contain disorganized scores of rebels with weapons of antiquity?

In fact, some in their masturbated dreams claim, “Gambia doesn’t even need an army.” I had to remind them of Hurricane Katrina and how Bush sent the National Guard because Louisiana’s police weren’t enough against mass looting. And is the American police able to contain all these current protests?

Please don’t blame Papa Colley for the short-sightedness of some so-called educated Gambians! Even ants (insects) have soldiers of protection! If you don’t trust yourself, who else do you expect to trust you?

The defeated “professional” Senegalese soldier was of course gutted! Hell no, an unarmed Gambian, non-military wasn’t supposed to block his chicken-fist punches—let alone seize his “professional” uniform! Hey worse, he had to borrow clothes to avoid walking back to his “professional” camp naked.

He alerted his buddies and they came back armed, looking for Ebou Camara who had to escape to the woods and later seek shelter in a police station. Later, the angry Senegalese forces tore the door of the house and retrieved the “professional” uniform.

Gambians! Your brother Ebrima Papa Colley is writing these from his viscera! First, they came for Haruna Jatta. Later they killed him! Later they came for our cattle. They started stealing them! And later they forced our Gambian elder to “monkey dance” simply because he was looking for his stolen cow. Then they came for our women!

Later, they shot at other Gambians for no legitimate reason! I don’t write for dumb people! I write for those with minds to think. And today, I’ll leave you with these verses from a German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller who had to say this about the Nazis:


“First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”