Hamat Bah, the Drum, the Drummer and the Dancer


Communication, like governance, is both a science and an art. I am making a wild guess that Hamat has never heard about that dictum. Or, he has never taken the time to digest it as a public figure.

Or he is just incapable of any of the above.
But let’s just say if finger wagging is a test of the mastery of the science and art of refined communication, Hamat Bah and Mai Fatty will be in the top contenders tier, for putting their “messages” across.

Hamat talks, Hamat praise sings, Hamat fumes, Hamat hums, Hat wags his finger, Hamat foams, Hamat dilates his pupils, Hamat bends forward.

At the end of all these, he achieved nothing but public condemnation, rancor and scorn from the public. That’s an indication of his amateurish strategies to win votes for his lord and master, Adama Barrow. For all intent and purpose, Hamats blabbering should not be taken at face value.

Politicians like him do not care about the building of a nation, no the prosperity of its citizens of diverse linguistic, ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. He is segmenting the populace on default demographic lines. His intention cannot be misread.

It’s to divide us as a people with a common destiny, sow seeds of suspicion, whilst at the same time claiming love for that which we share. A country called The Gambia. In truth, what he loves is his position and the powers and the privileges it comes with. Hamat Bah has exposed his true colors. He has exposed his true intentions in our politics. That he is in for his personal aggrandizement is no more in question.

I hereby ask all Gambians, both at home and abroad, to demand for the sacking of Hamat Bah as a state minister. At minimum, his voluntary resignation for his callousness in driving a wedge among Gambians by uttering words that has the potential to put the nation in flames.

Yours in the Service of The Gambia and Afrikka, I remain.

Da One
