Literature September 17, 2019 BARROW’S SOOTHSAYER BEGINS ON FORGAMBIA: 3YRS JOTNA AND THE UNSTEADY PROMISE-BREAKER 1,918 ViewsBARROW’S SOOTHSAYER BEGINS ON fORGAMBIA Three Years Jotna And the Unsteady Promise-Breaker! “…Think of Gambia’s problems…Vision that market woman now widowed—thou ceremoniously sentenced her…
Opinion, Pan Africa September 17, 2019 *ARE(N’T) WE A NATION OF FOOLS AND CHARLATANS?* 1,680 ViewsFrom the Archives of the *Liberation Series* *ARE(N’T) WE A NATION OF FOOLS & CHARLATANS?* By Da One The biggest noise in The Gambia…